Loci was born in Budapest, Hungary and remains fluent in Hungarian. He settled in North Carolina and has called it home for more than 30 years. He is proud to be a part of the community. Most people move to the area for diversity, job opportunities or for the small town, college atmosphere. Loci can give you guidance first hand. He is a product of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro city school system. He was on a competitive swim team for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA, as well as the State Champion at East Chapel Hill High School.
Loci graduated from Warren Wilson College in Asheville, NC with a Business Degree. The Blue Ridge Parkway is where he enjoys his free time, but his roots are in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro and Durham area. A broker known for his extensive market knowledge, he works endlessly on behalf of his clients and by always offering candid advice. Loci uses the latest technologies and will serve you in the surrounding areas including Pittsboro and Hillsborough.
Loci finds pride in his work and his family. It is important to put his community first by assisting with community programs and events, actively serving on the finance committee at church, and has served as the Vice President of the Pittsboro Kiwanis Club. Loci also enjoys coaching youth basketball with Parks and Recreation, and assisting youth baseball with East Chatham Baseball.
106 Rolling Meadows Ln
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